Sidmouth Parish Church
St Giles and St Nicholas

Sidmouth Parish Church

Address: Church Street, Sidmouth, EX10 8LG
Email:  click here to email
Tel: 01395 515076 
Please click here for a map.

Facilities: Toilets, Disabled Toilets, Baby Changing Facilities, Wheelchair access

church is open 9 - 5 every day when no services or events are on.

Services & Events in Church

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Sunday 21st July     8:00 am Said Eucharist 

Trinity 8                  10:00 am Sung Eucharist

                                  6:00 pm Taizé

Tuesday                  10:00 am Morning Prayer


Sunday  28th July      8:00 am Said Eucharist          
Trinity  9                   10:00 am Sung Eucharist

                                    6:00 pm BCP Evensong 

Links for Streaming of Services 

10am Sunday Service:

Previous Recordings: CLICK HERE to go to our YouTube channel for recordings of previous services and anthems by the choir. Why not subscribe to our channel to check for future broadcasts? You may find our streaming guide useful if you are new to this media: Click here

                   Church Diary: Click here for the Church Diary

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Our pastoral and prayer teams are committed to supporting everyone in our church family. If you have a need: shopping, care, someone to talk to or cry with, please call your pastoral link. 

If you don't have a link, or for further help, contact these numbers:

 Rev'd Annita Denny
01395 512735

Peter Byrd
01395 519221 

If you are struggling with bereavement, visit  
Help with recovering from any sort of addiction can be obtained from

Make your offering to the church here

Thank you to all those who make regular donations to the church. We appreciate all donations to support the maintenance of our building and the continuation of our ministry. 

Concerts planned for 2024 are listed here

Recent Sermons 

click here to read a recent sermon 

Weekly Bulletin

click here to read our latest bulletin. 

Parish Magazine 

click here for the April edition of The Crossing 

Annual Report & Accounts

NEW: click here for papers for the 2024 APCM including
the 2023 report and accounts 

Data Protection 
Privacy Notice

click here to view our Data Protection Privacy Notice. 



The Rev'd Matthew Selman 01395 515076 Click here to email
Non-Working Days: Monday & Friday 


Rev'd Victoria Chester 07802 639823 Click here to email
Working days: Wednesday & Sunday


Alison Budgell 01395 513770 Click here to email

Alan Clarke 07483 235435 Click here to email


David Wade 01404 813191 Click here to email

Tower Secretary: 

Lesley Houghton 01395 516590 Click here to email


Lesley Thompson 01395 512 870 Click here to email  
Please click here for safeguarding information.


Ruth Mathers Click here to email