If you have an urgent or confidential prayer request, please contact our confidential Prayer Chain through Jennie Golding (578474)
Let peace surround you as you sit or kneel quietly. Let the hurry and worry of your
life fall away from you. You are God’s child. He loves you and cares for you.
He is here with you now – and always. Speak to him slowly and thoughtfully –
give yourself time for Him to bring things to mind.
You may like to use one of the following to help you pray:
Lord, I am troubled
I am anxious and distressed for myself and for others….
especially about….
Help me to trust your love, for you carry our sorrows.
Teach me to act and speak in a way that you want.
Give me the wisdom to know when not to interfere.
Calm my fears for all things are in your hands.
Lord, I pray for…
my family…and friends.
my neighbours at home, at work, the ones I like…. and dislike….
those who are ill……
those who are troubled or mourn, for the oppressed, for those involved in disaster or war.
Bless them, Father, in their various troubles and show me how I might help.
Click here to download a booklet of prayer resources for use at home