Welcome to the Sid Valley Mission Community

We are part of the Church of England in Devon in the Diocese of Exeter. We comprise the six Anglican churches serving the Sid Valley. 

Church Services in the Sid Valley

Sidmouth Parish Church is open for private prayer every day from 9am to 5pm. Regular Services include:

Sundays:    8:00am    Said Eucharist 
                   10:00am   Choral Eucharist
Tuesdays:  10:00am   Morning prayer (in church and on Zoom)

St Francis Church  is open for private prayer Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 16:00. It has a service every Sunday at 9:30am and Morning Prayer on Thursdays at 9.30am.


St Giles', Sidbury & St Peter's Sidford have an 11am service every Sunday which alternates between the two churches. Please check the St Giles and St Peter's pages for more details.

All Saints' Church has an online service every Sunday and downloadable resources for families.  Please visit our site www.allsaintssidmouth.org.uk 

Sunday Night Prayers at 7:00pm led by Rev Sarah Mounoury.  For dial-in details please sign up to the group here 

Salcombe Regis Church is open for private prayer each Wednesday from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

At Home: Some of our Mission Community services are streamed (see individual church pages). The Diocese of Exeter also provides support and resources, including services to watch on-line and to listen to via local radio, prayers to download, and much more.

On Sundays, the long-running Songs of Praise continues on BBC1 (check schedules for timings, they can vary). There is also a Sunday service on some Sunday mornings. BBC Radio 4 have their regular service at 8:10am (check shedule). Alternatively, BBC Radio Devon broadcasts a service at 8:00am.

For safeguarding arrangements and contacts please see the drop down for each church.

SVMC Prayers 

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